
AAMSP Awards

CLAS Leadership Award

The Alabama Association of Elementary School Administrators (AAESA) chooses one nominee from the district nominations to represent the affiliate for the CLAS Leadership Award. The CLAS Leadership Award is chosen by a committee designated by the CLAS Board of Directors.
Apr 2, 2015 by Alyssa Godfrey

The CLAS Leadership Award is presented annually to a CLAS member who has exhibited leadership in his or her affiliate as well as at the state level. Award nominations are made by each of the eleven CLAS affiliates and judging is conducted by members of the CLAS Awards Committee. The winner and other nominees are recognized and presented with a plaque during the CLAS Annual Convention.

Congratulations, Brigett Stewart, representing the Alabama Association of Elementary School Administrators, for being selected the 2023 CLAS Leadership Award recipient!

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